How many times do you flush your toilet every day? Do you wash dishes? What about taking a shower? Assessments from the United States Geological Survey estimate that over the course of one day, each person in your household uses 80-100 gallons of water. If you have a 4-person household, that equates to nearly 400 gallons of water and other gunk flowing through your pipes each day! And just like you must maintain the fuel lines in your vehicle to ensure proper functioning, it’s important to maintain your drains, too. How does routine drain maintenance help ensure your pipes stay in good working order? Drain Blaster Bill explains below.


Regular Cleanings Prevent Recurring Clogs

Routine drain cleanings help ensure your system doesn’t develop recurring obstructions from hair, food particles, and grease that might end up in your pipes. When you wash dishes or take a shower, it’s nearly impossible to prevent food particles or hair from entering your drain. Over time, these items can lead to heavy buildup if you don’t maintain your drains properly. During a routine cleaning, our expert technicians use specialized equipment and techniques to flush everyday buildup from your pipes. This process prevents heavy buildup from forming, keeping your pipes in good working order.


Periodic Cleaning Prevents Odors

Foul drain odors are quite common and can occur as a result of several things. A few of the most prevalent causes include:


Particle buildup. Hair, food, grease, and various other particles enter your drain on a daily basis. Over time, as these particles build up, they create something called biofilm, which harbors bacteria. As bacteria grows inside your pipes, your drains may develop a foul odor. You can periodically pour boiling water down your drain to help get rid of the odor, or, you can try a mixture of equal parts vinegar and baking soda. If the stench is still present, you should have your drain professionally cleaned.

Mold and mildew. Mold and mildew love moist, dark environments, making your drain a perfect hotspot for unpleasant growths. If you have food particles stuck in your pipes, the growth can get out of hand, resulting in a musty smell wafting upward from your drain. Hydrogen peroxide, boiling water, baking soda, or vinegar can help solve the problem. If it persists, call a professional.

Dry P-Trap. Your drain’s p-trap is the U-shaped piece of pipe you see when you peer under your sink. Every drain has a trap, even if you can’t easily see it. This u-shaped pipe is designed to hold enough water to prevent sewer gases from rising up through your drains. However, if you have a sink or shower that don’t see frequent use, the water within the p-trap can evaporate. If this occurs, you’ll smell a foul odor. To prevent this, regularly run water down infrequently-used drains for a few minutes to refill the p-trap. You should notice the smell abate. If you detect a sewage-like odor coming from a drain you use frequently, it may be a sign that you have a more serious issue.


Routine Cleanings Eliminate the Need for Chemical Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners such as Drano are terrible for your pipes! These cleaners are extremely harsh and abrasive and can cause more harm than good in most cases. When you pour Drano down your sink or shower, it sits in your pipes until blockages dissolve, continually reacting and producing heat. This process can dissolve the glue that holds your pipes together, and can even soften and deteriorate PVC pipes. If you keep up with your drains by scheduling regular cleanings, however, you won’t be tempted to reach for harmful chemical cleaners.


Regular Septic System Cleaning Prevents Major Problems

If you’ve ever flushed your toilet and watched as its contents backed up into your bathtub, you know the horror of a major septic blockage. Most septic system failures occur as a result of poor design or infrequent maintenance. Experts recommend having your septic system pumped every three to five years, but that number can vary based on the number of people in your household. If you neglect this very important preventative measure, you could end up with a serious clog and septic failure. If you do end up with a septic blockage, the professionals at Drain Blaster Bill can perform a thorough septic cleaning to get your system back on track.


How Do You Know if You Need Drain Cleaning?

As a preventative measure, drain experts recommend having your drains professionally cleaned approximately once every two years. Doing so can help you avoid serious plumbing issues that often result from improper maintenance. However, if you notice water draining more slowly or a faint smell rising from your drain, it’s a good idea to take care of the problem immediately.


Expert Drain Cleaning Services in the Twin Cities

Routine drain cleanings can save you from the headache and frustration of recurring clogs. Whether you need service on your shower drains, sewer main line, sinks, toilets, or laundry room, we have the tools for the job. Our expert technicians specialize in finding long-term drain cleaning solutions to help you avoid expensive future plumbing repairs. To request your free estimate, or to schedule your drain cleaning service, contact our 24/7 team at (763) 913-8719. We’re always standing by!