Same Day Service. Veteran Owned.

Areas We Serve

  • Based in Stillwater
  • Twin Cities Metro Area
  • Residential & Commercial

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Areas We Serve

Drain Blaster Bill's is located in Stillwater, MN and services the surrounding areas!

News & Tips

Things You Should Never Flush Down Your Toilet

Things You Should Never Flush Down Your Toilet

Many of us are guilty of treating our toilets like a second garbage can, casually tossing in items without a second thought. However, what goes down our...[Read More]

Technology & Drain Cleaning: How Video Camera Inspections Benefit Your Drains

Technology & Drain Cleaning: How Video Camera Inspections Benefit Your Drains

Back in the old days of plumbing inspection, plumbers had one of two choices.  A) They could use a snake or other tool and drive down into the...[Read More]