When you own a commercial building, proper plumbing maintenance is essential to prevent unnecessary downtime associated with drain blockages and other plumbing problems. Of all the things you can do to maintain your building’s drains, scheduling routine commercial sewer cleaning is one of the most important.

Since the main sewer line handles all the waste that flows through every drain in your building, it’s critical that you keep it clean and clear. A blockage in this drain can lead to unsanitary conditions inside your building and potentially, water damage, burst pipes, and several other plumbing problems.

So how often should have commercial sewer cleaning done, and what does it entail? The experts at Drain Blaster Bill’s Sewer & Drain Cleaning share what you need to know below.

What Does Commercial Sewer Cleaning Involve?

Whether you’re scheduling a maintenance cleaning appointment or you’re dealing with an acute drain blockage, your commercial sewer cleaning specialist will begin the clean-out process with an inspection. While every building’s commercial drain cleaning needs are a bit different here’s how the process typically works:

●        Camera drain inspection. The technician inserts a waterproof, high-definition camera into the main sewer line. That camera is attached to a long, flexible metal rod that allows the technician to guide it carefully through the length of the pipe. Throughout the inspection, the camera transmits live video, so the technician can assess the condition of the interior of the pipe and identify any potential issues. This camera inspection helps the technician determine the most appropriate drain cleaning technique to use.

●        Drain snaking. If you’re dealing with a minor drain blockage in the main sewer line, drain snaking may be able to solve it. During this procedure, the technician inserts a long, flexible metal rod (called a drain snake) into the drain until he reaches the offending blockage(s). The snake has an auger at its tip, which the technician will use to crank through the blockage and break it up. This technique is not designed to provide comprehensive drain cleaning; it’s more of a drain-clearing procedure.

●        Commercial water jetting. If you’re scheduling comprehensive commercial sewer cleaning, the drain cleaning specialist will use a technique called water jetting. Commercial water jetting uses a high-pressure jet of water that may also contain small, abrasive particles designed to break apart any solids inside the line. Because the water is highly pressurized, it serves to scrub away all manner of buildup inside the main sewer line. This includes residue stuck to the interior walls of the pipe and any blockages inside it (even tree root intrusions). Commercial water jetting is the most efficient and effective way to keep commercial drain lines clean.

How Frequently Should You Schedule Main Line Sewer Cleaning?

The appropriate frequency for commercial sewer cleaning really depends on the type of business and the volume of liquids and material the main line handles daily. For businesses with commercial kitchens, grease traps, heavily used floor drains, or heavy bathroom use, commercial sewer line cleaning may be necessary at yearly intervals to prevent excessive buildup inside the line. 

For buildings that don’t have high-volume drain use, it’s generally best to schedule preventive sewer cleaning every 18-22 months. Keep in mind, though, that your business may not fit the mold when it comes to recommended sewer cleaning schedules.

If you haven’t had commercial main line cleaning in a while, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment for comprehensive service. During the appointment, your drain cleaning specialist will help you determine the appropriate sewer cleaning frequency for your unique needs.

Warning Signs Your Building Needs Commercial Sewer Cleaning

Sometimes, main line blockages happen that have nothing to do with dirty pipes. Even if you have routine sewer cleaning and do your best to keep solids out of the drain, keep an eye out for these warning signs that require immediate attention:

●        Sudden slow drainage

●        Water accumulation around floor drains

●        Unpleasant odors

●        Gurgling or bubbling sounds from inside the plumbing

If your building suddenly develops any of the above red flags, they may be the result of a tree root intrusion into the main sewer line. As trees grow, their roots can penetrate sewer lines buried underground outside your building. And if a root blocks the flow of liquid and other waste through the line, it can cause backups in every other drain throughout your building.

Need to Schedule Commercial Sewer Cleaning in the Twin Cities? Contact Drain Blaster Bill

Need preventive sewer cleaning for your commercial building? Perhaps you’re dealing with a few sewer line warning signs that have you worried? Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our team at Drain Blaster Bill’s Sewer & Drain Cleaning. We specialize in commercial sewer cleaning, outdoor drain cleaning, and indoor drain cleaning for Twin Cities businesses and we offer same-day service for your convenience.

To learn more or get started, request a free estimate or call our Stillwater, MN office today at 763-913-8719. You can also contact us with any questions, and we’ll be in touch promptly.